Monday, July 28, 2008

Gluten Free Cooking EXPO

Wow! A whole EXPO for Gluten Free Cooking will be held September 12-13, 2008 in Oakbrook, Illinois!

Here are some of the highlights:

1. Two full-days of gluten-free cooking demonstrations by notable chefs, cookbook authors and nutritionists
2. Printed recipe so you can follow along, take notes and ask questions about successful replacement ingredients for common allergens such as soy, sugar, egg, dairy and corn
3. Learning how to prepare each dish, and getting the chance to taste them as well

Go To: for more information.

Good Gluten Free Food at an Expo, I will follow up the recipes and information from the web site.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Choose Peace

Sounds good "Choose Peace". This grass root group is not talking world peace (nice), but peace in the inner neighborhoods of our cities here in America and around the world.

In Indianapolis, Indiana, the horrible homicide rate has become unbearable. Children and families are suffering and injured while sitting in their homes or front porch. Drive by shoot outs and gun battles are hurting and killing way too many people. By spreading "Choose Peace", we can make a change.

The group is new and hopes to spread to help take back neighborhoods and cities. It is one person at a time, talking to another person and spreading the word. Choose Peace and hope will return.

Go To: for more information.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Gluten Free Redbridge Beer

Looking for the good gluten free beer in Indianapolis? The Whole Food Store on West 86th Street is out of stock. I bought 8 cases of Redbridge for the next few months. We go on vacation to the Jersey Shore and did not want to run out of Redbridge.

The store manager told me in the future to call him and he will order the Redbridge that we need. So now my advice to all who love the gluten free Redbridge Beer is to find a friendly store manager and place orders from them.

Eight cases of beer takes up a lot of room in a car!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Good Gluten Free Beer Redbridge

Redbridge is the best gluten free beer that we have found. There is a lot of competition for the few cases of Redbridge that the stores order. In all of Cincinnati, we can not find even a six pack.

The stores say that it will be the end of July before they get an order of Redbridge.

All of the gluten free beer drinkers need to blog Bush Beers until they produce more Redbridge!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Flatbreads, Good Gluten Free Food

Good Gluten Free Food finds flatbread!

While reading an article about flatbread and it's roll in the world's diet, I noted that around the world wheat is not always a main crop. In tropical climantes flatbread is more likely rice, corn and bean based. Great flatbreads made from every grain on the planet and gluten free!

I need to add flatbread to our diet! I never thought of tortillas as flatbread. But now a corn tortilla will enter dinner menus.

Good gluten free foods will add a flatbread recipe regularly.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Good Gluten Free Pizza

Super Bowl Sunday always presents a problem for our meal. What is the Super Bowl without pizza and beer?

So I have made several attempts at gluten free pizza crust. Using a gluten free bread mix, I've tried several different mixes. What failures they were. Too much dough for one pizza pan, the crust was so thick and icky. One pizza burned on the bottom and the top was raw.

This year I had a mix from the Gluten-Free Pantry. It was the french bread and pizza mix. I split the dough in two. I baked one half as bread and used the other half for the pizza crust. It was the best!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Good Gluten Free Food Husband

My husband Charles is the person who must be gluten free. I spend a lot of time planning how to make his food gluten free.
When we started to be gluten free, I made it a rule to only cook one meal. I choose not to cook two meals. I eat what he eats. There are several reasons for this. Two separate meals are expensive. I will not eat a dinner roll when he can not have one. I find that the gluten free food is good.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Fruits & Vegetables Good Gluten Free Food

The farmers' markets and stands this time of the year, have the best good gluten free food in all fruits and vegetables.

Fruit salad will make a delicious dessert on a hot day! Since all fruits are gluten free unless a sauce with gluten is added, enjoy several fresh fruits a day!

Fresh vegetables can be the best part of a good gluten free meal. I prefer to pressure cook vegetables. The high steam cooks most veggies in under a minute. I also use my wok to quick cook vegetables. I love to put corn on the cob on the grill in the husks. Tomatoes also are great grilled.

Salad made with fruits or vegetables bring the best gluten free flavors to the table.

Salad dressings for vegetables often contain gluten or hidden gluten. I often use oil and vinegar with added herbs for flavor.

Stop today at your farmers' market and enjoy the best gluten free dinner!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Camping Review

Pain in the neck eating and feeding family gluten free while camping.

Next time I cook only for my husband and myself. Some one always slips in gluten and my husband pays the price.