Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Redbridge Good Gluten Free Beer!

Redbridge is the best gluten free beer that we have found.
There is a lot of competition for the few cases of Redbridge that the stores order.
In all of Cincinnati there are times that we can not find even a six pack of Redbridge Beer.
The stores say that they will get an order of Redbridge and save it for us. So now we plan ahead!
All of the gluten free beer drinkers need to blog Bush Beers until they produce more Redbridge!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Gluten Free Worry! Pity Party!

There are days when I tire of worrying about serving good gluten free food for my husband. The consequences of not serving gluten free keeps me on my toes. One mess up and he suffers.

I wish I took such good care of myself. I sneak non gluten free food when I can. He is out of town so for lunch I ate a whole box of Kraft Mac & Cheese. If I had eaten just a part of the box, I would have felt better.

I realize that this is such a minor problem. All I have to do is remind myself of the trials many folks face with day to day life. Then my pity party ends. Cooking gluten free is not hard. The food is fresh. The meals are easy to plan. And shopping becomes automatic.

Today my motto is live gluten free and quit complaining.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Good Gluten Free Food Shop Online

I found a good online source of gluten free food. I am sharing it now!

glutenfree.com - your online source of gluten-free food for your Celiac Disease diet!

Celiac Disease, Gluten Intolerance, Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Wheat Allergies & Multiple Food Allergies
It has been proven that strict adherence to a gluten-free diet improves the overall quality of life for people with Celiac Disease, Gluten Intolerance, Autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
We cater to people with Celiac Disease, wheat & gluten intolerance, wheat allergies and multiple food allergies, and have helped thousands of families adapt to this challenging diet.
About Our Company Since 1993, we have been offering gluten-free products to people on this diet.
Our company was founded by professional chef and food writer, Beth Hillson who, along with her son, is gluten-free. We are always on the lookout for new products and ideas to help make it easier and tastier for our customers to thrive on a gluten-free diet.
Our customers are constantly thanking us for our great products, informative website and reliable and friendly customer service.
Our Products Our selection includes a wide array of delicious gluten-free and wheat-free gourmet baking mixes, breads, bagels and baguettes, crackers, cookies, pretzels, snacks, pastas, beverages, vitamins, convenience and prepared meals, baking ingredients, condiments, books, and so much more.
Choose from the biggest brand-names such as Glutino, Gluten-Free Pantry, Bi-Aglut, Bakery on Main, Bob's Red Mill, Cerrone, Cherrybrook Kitchen, Cream Hill Estates, Dr. Schar, Ener-G, Enjoy Life Foods, Food-Tek, Jo-Sef, Kinnikinnick, Larabar, Maxwell's Kitchen, Namaste, Nature's Path, Organ, Pamela's Products, Perky's, Premier Japan, PureFit, Really Great Food, San-J, Shelton's, Spectrum, Thai Kitchen, Tinkyada, Zojirushi, and more.
Now, great foods for special diets are more accessible than ever!

Give this online store a look!