Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Gluten Free Worry! Pity Party!

There are days when I tire of worrying about serving good gluten free food for my husband. The consequences of not serving gluten free keeps me on my toes. One mess up and he suffers.

I wish I took such good care of myself. I sneak non gluten free food when I can. He is out of town so for lunch I ate a whole box of Kraft Mac & Cheese. If I had eaten just a part of the box, I would have felt better.

I realize that this is such a minor problem. All I have to do is remind myself of the trials many folks face with day to day life. Then my pity party ends. Cooking gluten free is not hard. The food is fresh. The meals are easy to plan. And shopping becomes automatic.

Today my motto is live gluten free and quit complaining.

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