Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Fruits & Vegetables Good Gluten Free Food

The farmers' markets and stands this time of the year, have the best good gluten free food in all fruits and vegetables.

Fruit salad will make a delicious dessert on a hot day! Since all fruits are gluten free unless a sauce with gluten is added, enjoy several fresh fruits a day!

Fresh vegetables can be the best part of a good gluten free meal. I prefer to pressure cook vegetables. The high steam cooks most veggies in under a minute. I also use my wok to quick cook vegetables. I love to put corn on the cob on the grill in the husks. Tomatoes also are great grilled.

Salad made with fruits or vegetables bring the best gluten free flavors to the table.

Salad dressings for vegetables often contain gluten or hidden gluten. I often use oil and vinegar with added herbs for flavor.

Stop today at your farmers' market and enjoy the best gluten free dinner!

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